Our values

Quality and expertise

Only experts can make the difficult seem simple. Our job is to be translators on this front as well. We translate business targets into action through a patented method, a skilled team, innovative learning materials, flexibility and a variety of activities.

Results focused

The world of education is muddied by hyperbole and unrealistic promises. We get rid of superstructures and value clarity above all. Companies turn to us to work and achieve concrete goals, so we don’t want any distractions. We are focused.

Flexibility and adaptability

We are committed to listening, understanding fears and pain points, and working together to find ways to overcome these. We are professionals who understand the professional challenges and ambitions of our clients. We treat your business as if it were our own.

Pragmatism and integrity

We focus on methods and strategies that can be adopted directly by companies and that deliver tangible, measurable results for language improvement.

Studying English and using English are not the same thing

While there are millions of schools that focus on teaching English – from grammar to speaking – at TLG we offer a practical, focused approach to using English in the workplace. 

From the very first moment, we provide the tools needed to communicate effectively in English, helping companies truly harness the power of language to achieve their business goals.

Specialised language consulting

Our language consultancy services focus on the financial and insurance industries and are specially designed to meet the specific needs of your company. 

Adopting a holistic view, we can design a short, medium and long-term strategic plan that provides a comprehensive, tailored approach to boosting the efficacy of your team’s communication in English.

Learn about how we work

The Step-by-Step Business English Journey

We understand that every company has unique and diverse needs.

That’s why each of our training programs is equally unique and personalized. We don’t believe in standardized solutions because we know that every company and every individual has specific needs that require our attention.

Discover the 5 steps we will take together.

1. Analysis of targets

Our approach to training begins with the analysis of your company’s needs, to understand objectives, challenges it faces, and areas where effective English communication is necessary. After assessing these needs, we meet with senior leaders to define their personal goals and understand how these align with corporate objectives.

This approach allows us to create tailored training programs, utilizing specific and personalized Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for measuring results.

2. Definition of the time frame for implementation

To ensure maximum effectiveness, our planning considers both short-term and medium-to-long-term objectives.

In the short term, we set specific deadlines for achieving proficiency in individual skills. This focused approach allows us to concentrate efforts on mastering a specific skill and achieving concrete results in minimal time.

For long-term programs, we accumulate multiple skills through additional sprints or business module sessions that you choose to pursue.

Each additional sprint integrates with previous ones to form a broader and more complex learning path, enabling you to build a skills portfolio that expands over time.

3. Co-Design and Assessment

Depending on your company’s awareness of its employees’ language skills, we may conduct an initial assessment. We use a combination of tools and methodologies, including the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and proprietary computer tools, to objectively evaluate linguistic competencies.

Our accredited Eaquals platform facilitates this assessment. This approach enables us to provide your company with precise and reliable data, which can be used to make informed decisions regarding HR and training.

4. Online Training

In comparing classroom-based and online training courses, our experience demonstrates that the most effective way to learn a language is through online methods. With our focus on attention and time management, our online courses are highly effective in developing the specific skills required by your business.

We utilize a customized online platform to deliver our training programs, but the true value of our service lies in the quality of the instructors who utilize this platform.

Learn about our platform

5. Our guarantee of measurable results

Our consultancy, translation services, and technological support help your company operate more effectively in English, ensuring a return on investment in terms of:

  • Optimization of training time
  • Cost reduction
  • Increase in the number of completed courses
  • Maximization of hours dedicated to acquiring specific skills
  • Increase in company revenue achieved through the use of English language

To assess progress, at the end of each course or sprint, we conduct the following evaluations:

Assessment of Acquired Skills: Through pre and post-course tests, we measure the increase in specific skills.

Participant Feedback: We gather detailed feedback from participants to assess their satisfaction level and perceptions regarding the course’s utility in daily work practice.

Practical Application: We monitor the application of acquired skills in the workplace through periodic follow-ups with participants and, where possible, their supervisors or managers.

Performance Indicators: For programs tied to specific business functions, we use predefined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the tangible impact of training on job performance.

This combination of tools and methodologies enables us to provide a comprehensive assessment of the impact of our training, ensuring that each course not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also measurable and directly applicable practical skills in the professional context.

See what they say about us

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